• CBD from Hemp vs. CBD from Marijuana

    CBD from Hemp vs. CBD from Marijuana

    CBD has been the biggest three-letter buzzword in the food and dietary supplement industry. But where exactly does it come from? It’s not a simple answer as Cannabis sativa is a complex plant. It boasts two related species, hemp and marijuana, and contains over 400 chemical compounds, including the 113 identified cannabinoids. But the concentration of each compound is balanced differently between the two...
  • Bluebird Botanicals' Extraction Methods

    Bluebird Botanicals' Extraction Methods

    Bluebird Botanicals prides ourselves on transparency and on providing the best CBD products possible to our customers at one of the lower price per milligram in the industry. But have you ever wondered just what goes into extracting those products from the hemp plant before they end up in your bottle? There are three main extraction methods we use: CO2 extraction, ethanol extraction, and...