The Perfect Dose: How Much CBD For Sleep Is Right For You

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In a world where stress and bustling schedules are the norm, many of us are searching for that magical remedy to help us slip into a more restful sleep. And for many people, cannabidiol or CBD has become their go-to wellness solution for a good night’s sleep.

But how much CBD for sleep is right for you, and how exactly do you determine the proper dosage to unlock the sleep-enhancing benefits of CBD

The truth is the actual dosage varies from person to person.

In this article, we’ll dive into: 

  • why you should strive to get more than 7 hours of shut-eye per day
  • how CBD enhances sleep and why it should have a place in your bedtime routine
  • the CBD dosage dilemma and how to find that golden dosage that suits you 

Let's unravel the mysteries of CBD dosing and discover the road to a night of blissful sleep! 

Try CBD for Sleep


The Impact of Sleep Deprivation
CBD and Its Sleep-Enhancing Effects
General CBD Dosage Guidelines for Sleep
Potential Side Effects and Safety Precautions
Choosing the Right CBD Product for Sleep
Other CBD variants to consider
Bluebird Botanicals: Your Trusted Source for CBD

The Impact of Sleep Deprivation

Sleep is important when it comes to staying healthy and feeling good. The quality of your awake time is tied to your sleep quality. While you're deep in dreamland, your body keeps your brain in tip-top shape and helps restore your overall physical health.

Skimping on sleep consistently can increase your risk for long-term health issues. Plus, it can mess with your thinking, reacting, working, learning, and even your social vibes with others.

Here are some of the negative impacts of sleep deprivation on your overall well-being.

Weakens your heart and circulatory system

Did you know not getting enough sleep might mess with your heart health?

Sleeping less than 7 hours a day could increase your chances of having heart problems.

If you're not clocking in enough sleep, blood pressure will often rise while heart rate variability (HRV) declines.

Slows down your metabolism

Poor sleep could seriously up your chances of dealing with type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance, where your body struggles to use insulin properly.

When you're sleep-deprived, your insulin sensitivity decreases, triggering inflammation, messing with your hunger hormones, and making you more likely to munch on extra food. All these things increase the likelihood of developing diabetes, obesity, heart problems, and metabolic syndrome.

Impairs your productivity and focus

When well-rested, your brain runs like a finely tuned machine, helping you think better, concentrate on your tasks, and become productive. But when sleep decides to ghost you, all those things go haywire.

Lack of sleep can be dangerous — affecting your ability to focus on tasks and slowing down your reaction time and reflexes. It affects your mental and physical health, which is why there is a need for effective remedies to help you get better sleep.

CBD and Its Sleep-Enhancing Effects

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is the second most popular active ingredient in cannabis, next to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). 

CBD can be found in medical marijuana, but it's also found in hemp. However, CBD doesn't get you high, no matter where it's from.

In terms of CBD’s sleep benefits, CBD modulates the body’s sleep-wake cycle by linking to receptors in the endocannabinoid system — a neurochemical network that helps regulate sleep, pain, and emotions. It ensures the body progresses towards REM sleep without interruptions, making it helpful for people struggling with getting quality sleep.

Check Out CBD Products For Sleep

General CBD Dosage Guidelines for Sleep

In CBD, one size doesn't fit all. There is no magic number, but experts generally suggest that for every 10 lbs of body weight, you can take about 1 to 6 mg of CBD. That means if you're 100 lbs, you're looking at 10 to 60 mg a day.

But weight isn’t the only factor for your unique CBD dose.

Factors affecting CBD dosage for sleep

Figure out the best CBD dosage for your sleep woes depends on several factors, such as the following:

  1. Body weight. People with higher body weight might need a higher CBD dosage to hit the sweet spot for better sleep.
  2. Type and concentration of CBD product. Different types and strengths of CBD products can pack a different punch. Popular ways to take CBD include oils, capsules, CBD gummies, and topical CBD. Make sure you're going for top-notch CBD products from a trusted source.
  3. CBD tolerance. If you've been using CBD for a while, your body might need a bit extra to feel the same effects.

Calculating CBD dosage if not labeled

Capsules or gummies have an expressed milligram content. This makes dosage much easier than oils or creams. 

Oils or tinctures with a dropper bottle list the CBD content for the total liquid bottle. So instead of eating a 15mg gummy, it will look more like 6,000 mg of CBD in the 30ml bottle.

Some bottles offer serving sizes -- like one drop -- to indicate CBD dosages. This allows you to have greater control over how much you are taking. 

It can be challenging to figure out how much you're taking for the bottles that offer only the total amount. It's difficult but not impossible; it just takes a little bit of math. 

Say you have a 30-milliliter bottle of CBD oil, and each drop is 0.05 milliliters.

To determine the CBD content of each ml, divide the total mg content by how much the bottle is. The math would look like this:

6,000 milligrams divided by 30 milliliters = 200 mg/ml

There are 200 milligrams of CBD per milliliter for this product.

Next, determine how much CBD is in each drop.

200 milliliters x 0.05 milliliters = 10 milliliters per drop. 

This calculation works with any bottle of CBD. Once you know how much CBD is in each drop, you can accurately take your ideal amount.

Try CBD for Sleep

Potential Side Effects and Safety Precautions

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CBD oils can sometimes affect other meds you're already taking. If you don't want any surprise interactions, get the green light from your doctor before you start the CBD journey.

You also have to keep track of your reactions and responses to the CBD you’re taking, as this can be your body’s way of signaling if your dose is too high or too low.

Going overboard with CBD can lead to some adverse side effects, such as:

  • Diarrhea
  • Drowsiness
  • Vomiting 
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • Upset stomach
  • Disorientation
  • Lightheadedness 

Remember, not all CBD is created equal… Products that contain additives and chemical solvents can be more likely to bring about negative interactions.

Choosing the Right CBD Product for Sleep

The market is flooded with many CBD products to choose from. When selecting a CBD product for sleep, it's important to consider the following factors:


Ensure that your CBD product has sufficient potency to address your sleep issues.

Method of consumption

Additionally, consider the method of consumption that best suits your needs. CBD is available in various forms, including oils, capsules, edibles, and topical creams.

Experiment with different methods to find the one that works best for you. Topicals tend to provide more of a targeted effect, whereas oils are known to better provide systemic relief.

Quality of the CBD product

Buy CBD that is third-party tested for purity and potency. This will ensure that you're taking a high-quality product that is free from contaminants. 

Reading customer reviews and checking for testing certifications can also help you make an informed decision.

Other Cannabinoids to consider

While CBD alone will have a positive impact on sleep, other cannabinoids can enhance its effects even further. Two popular combinations include:

  • CBN + CBD
  • CBDA + CBD

CBN (cannabinol) is highly regarded for its sedative properties, making it a great option for those struggling to fall asleep or stay asleep. Combining CBN with CBD allows you to experience a more profound sense of relaxation and potentially improve your sleep quality.

CBDA (cannabidiolic acid) is the raw form of CBD that is converted into CBD through decarboxylation. When combined with CBD, CBDA can provide a holistic approach to improving sleep quality.

Buy CBD for Sleep

Bluebird Botanicals: Your Trusted Source for CBD

We are a pioneer in the US CBD industry and have been creating high-quality CBD products since 2013.

We have a certification from the U.S. Hemp Authority, which teaches hemp farmers and processors about good manufacturing practices by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

As a Certified B-Corp, we are also highly transparent in our farming, testing, and cultivation practices. Our hemp is sourced from the U.S., and we take our testing seriously. 

All our products undergo tests by accredited third-party labs.

Our hemp products get checked for things like cannabinoids, terpenes, and any unwanted substances like heavy metals, bacteria, fungi, and pesticides. Our broad-spectrum CBD, CBD isolates, and other products are also studied for potency, heavy metals, and pesticides.

In terms of customer service, Bluebird Botanicals customers are raving about how well our products work and our excellent customer service. You can find some reviews below:


When taking CBD oil as your sleep aid, it's crucial to choose the right product, incorporate it into your bedtime routine, and find the optimal dosage and timing.

Figuring out the correct CBD oil dose is not as straightforward as picking a cookie off the shelf. After all, our bodies are like unique puzzles, and CBD may be a missing piece that can help complete the wellness picture. It's all about tuning in and listening to what your body needs so you can find your “perfect dose.”

It’s also important to keep an open mind, a healthy dose of patience, and a dash of commitment when finding that CBD sweet spot. Take CBD oil at a low dose, observe how your body reacts, and gradually adjust until you find the perfect dose.